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Entering Purchase Order Headers

To enter purchase order headers:
1. Navigate to the Purchase Orders window from the menu:
i) by selecting the New PO button in the Find Purchase Orders window or any of its results windows
ii) by selecting the Open button in any of the Find Purchase Order results windows
iii) by selecting the Open button and then double-clicking the Open Documents icon in the Notifications Summary window when the current line is a purchase order
if the PO: Display the AutoCreated Document profile option is set to Yes, Purchasing opens the Purchase Orders window when you have completed AutoCreation of a purchase order
The upper part of the Purchase Orders window has the following display-only fields:
Created -
The system date is displayed as the creation date.
Status - Possible order status values are: Incomplete - The order has not been approved. Approved - You have approved the order. You can print it and receive items against it. Requires Reapproval - You approved the order and then made changes that require you to reapprove it.
Total - For standard and planned purchase orders, Purchasing displays the current Total order amount.
Amount Agreed - For blanket and contract purchase agreements only, Purchasing displays the agreed-to amount for the agreement. The amount Released value should not exceed the Amount Agreed. (Note also that if you change the Amount Limit in the Terms and Conditions window, the Amount Agreed should be equal to or less than the Amount Limit.)
Released - For blanket and contract purchase agreements only, Purchasing displays the current total amount Released. The amount released is 0.00 until you create releases against the blanket purchase agreement or reference the contract on a standard purchase order.
Currency - Purchasing displays the functional currency. This is overridden by supplier currency information.
P-Card - Purchasing displays a procurement card number if the purchase order was created from a iProcurement requisition that used a corporate credit card for the purchase. This field displays if the profile option PO: Use P-Cards in Purchasing is set to Yes. Only the last four digits are displayed. Procurement cards can be used for items with a Destination Type of Expense, for documents that do not contain a Project number, and for standard purchase orders or releases only.
2. Enter a unique Purchase Order number. The Revision is displayed to the right of the number. If you chose automatic purchase order number generation in your Purchasing Options, the cursor does not enter this field and the number is generated when you save your work.
3. Choose the purchase order Type: Standard Purchase Order, Planned Purchase Order, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement
Attention: The names of the above purchase order types can be modified in the Document Types window.
4. Enter the name of the Supplier for this purchase order. To approve a purchase order, you must provide a supplier.
Attention: You cannot change the supplier once you approve the purchase order. The purchase order becomes a legal document when you approve it. To change the supplier after you approve a purchase order, you must cancel the existing purchase order and create a new one for the other supplier.
5. Enter the Site of the supplier you want to use for your purchase order. If the supplier you choose has only one site, it is defaulted into this field. Before you can approve a purchase order, you must provide a site. Once the purchase order is approved, you can change the supplier site only if the PO: Change Supplier Site profile option is set to Yes. And only sites with the same currency as the previous site can be used. If you change the supplier site, the revision will be incremented, and will require reapproval. You cannot enter the supplier site until you have entered a supplier.
You can optionally enter the name of the Contact at the supplier site. If the supplier you choose has only one contact name, it is defaulted into this field. You cannot enter a contact until you have entered a supplier site.
6. Enter the Ship To and Bill To locations for the purchase order. If you entered a supplier and supplier site, the Ship To and Bill To defaults reflect the locations you assigned to the supplier or supplier site. You can accept these values or change them to other locations.
7. If the Enforce Buyer Name option in your Purchasing Options is set to Yes, your name is displayed as the Buyer, and you cannot change this value. Otherwise, you can enter the name of any buyer.
8. For blanket and contract purchase agreements only, enter the total Amount Agreed. This is the amount you have agreed to spend with the supplier.
9. Enter a Description of the purchase order. These comments are for internal use only and do not print on the purchase order. You can enter up to 240 characters. If you want to add unlimited notes, use the Attachments feature.
10. For standard and planned purchase orders and blanket purchase agreements, enter line information for the header you have just created.

Entering Purchase Order Lines
Use the Lines tabbed region in the Purchase Orders window to create purchase order lines.
When you save your work, Purchasing creates shipments and distributions if sufficient valid default information is available. Use the Purchase Order Shipments window to review, edit, and create multiple shipment lines for each purchase order line.
To enter a purchase order line:
Select the Items tabbed region in the Purchase Orders window.
2. Enter the purchase line Number for the purchase order line. If you start a new purchase order line, Purchasing displays the next sequential line number available. You can accept this number or enter any line number that does not already exist. This number is used for all tabbed regions in the Purchase Orders window.
3. Enter the line Type for the item. When you create your purchase order line, you enter a line type as part of your item information. When you enter a line type, Purchasing automatically copies the corresponding defaults. You can change the line type after you have saved your work, if the change is in the same line type class, but Purchasing won't automatically copy the new defaults. If you change the line type before you save your work, Purchasing automatically copies the new defaults if the new line type is in a different line type class.
You can enter predefined items for your purchase order line only when you specify a quantity based line type. If Bills of Material and Work in Process are installed and you have defined an outside processing line type, you can enter that type here to purchase outside processing.
4. Enter the Item you want to purchase. If you enter an item, Purchasing displays the purchasing category, item description, unit of measure, and unit price associated with the item. To create a purchase order line for a one-time item, simply skip the item number field and enter a purchasing category and an item description. If you are purchasing outside processing, you can enter only outside processing items.
5. Enter the Revision number for the item on the purchase order line. The Revision number is required if the item is under revision control.
6. Enter the purchasing Category of the item you want to purchase. If you choose an item, Purchasing displays the purchasing category for the item. You cannot change the purchasing category if you choose an item.
7. Enter the Description of the item. If you choose an item, Purchasing displays its description. You can change the item description only if you set up the item attributes to let you do so. The full item description for the current line is displayed beneath the Lines tabbed region.
8. Enter the total Quantity you are ordering on the purchase order line.
9. Enter the UOM of the item. The unit of measure qualifies the quantity you enter on the purchase order line. When you choose a line type, its default unit of measure appears here. When you choose an item number, its unit of measure overrides the line type default. You can change the UOM until the item has been received, billed, or encumbered.
10. Enter the unit Price for the item. If you choose an item, the default price is the list price for the item. Otherwise, the default price is from the line type. The Amount field displays the unit price multiplied by the quantity.
11. Enter the Promised date that the supplier promised delivery of the items. This promised-by date is printed on the purchase order.
Multiple distributions, Promised date, and Need-By date display as "multiple" at the line level.
12. Enter the Need By date when the requestor needs the item. This date is printed on the purchase order if you do not provide a promised-by date. If you are using Master Scheduling/MRP, you must provide either a need-by date or a promised-by date for shipments that correspond to purchase order lines with Master Scheduling/MRP planned items. A need-by date is also required for Inventory planned items.
Multiple distributions, Promised date, and Need-By date display as "multiple" at the line level.
13. Optionally enter the Supplier's Item number for this item.
14. Select Reserved to reserve funds for the line.
15. If the Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) application is installed and implemented, you are a process manufacturing user, and the selected purchasing organization is a process organization, then the process fields are enabled. The three process fields are Secondary UOM, Secondary Quantity, and Grade.


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