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Showing posts from April, 2009

Auto Accounting

AutoInvoice uses the pre-defined Auto Accounting structure to automatically create default Accounting Flexfields for your Receivables, Revenue, Unbilled Receivable and Unearned Revenue Accounts. You must define how Auto Accounting will structure your customer transaction account combinations by specifying from which default entities it should build your accounts. For Unbilled Receivables, if Salesrep is selected Auto Accounting will use the Salesrep’s default Receivable account flexfield. If Item is selected, it will use the Items’s default Revenue flexfield. For Unearned Revenue, if Salesrep is selected Auto Accounting will use the Salesrep’s default Revenue account flexfield. If Item is selected, it will use the Items’s default Revenue flexfield. Receivables uses the Auto Accounting rules to determine the GL Accounts that you Enter manually or import using Auto invoice. Receivables creates the Default accounts for the Receivable revenue Freight Tax Unerned revenue Finance charges Un

The Receivables Interface and AutoInvoice

The Receivables Interface program (a workflow process in R11i) extracts Sales Orders and Returns from OE/OM once they have been shipped and/or approved and places them in the Receivables Interface table. This table is used by the AutoInvoice program which loads the contents of the table and creates invoices and credit memos in AR. The Receivables Interface program (a workflow process in R11i) derives and populates two critical columns in the interface table that, depending on your setup, are used to ultimately determine the GL Date in AR. They are the Ship Date Actual Date and the Sales Order Date. For shippable line items: Receivables Interface Column OE/OM Column Sales Order Date <- Sales Order Date Ship Date Actual <- Picking Header Ship Date (R10.7) Departure Date (R11) For non-shippable line items: Receivables Interface Column OE/OM Column Sales Order Date <- Sales Order Date Ship Date Actual <- Null For each AR Batch Source, AutoInvoice can be set up to “derive dates”

OE/OM to AR to GL Overview

OE/OM to AR to GL Overview Oracle Order Entry (Order Management in R11i) is the starting point and main processing module for the revenue stream in Oracle Financials. Sales orders are entered, booked and shipped within Order Entry. Orders booked in OE represent the first accessible revenue forecast in Oracle Financials. Booked orders may be considered as expected or future revenue, though they are not treated as revenue in accounting terms nor does OE send them directly to the GL for accounting purposes. In fact, they must pass through several possible stages, like shipment and invoicing, before they are considered revenue by Oracle Financials and thus available in the GL. Thus, revenue managers relying solely on the GL for revenue figures will be disappointed by the absence of “bookings” information and/or the lag time for shipped orders to make their way into the GL as revenue